“Balance is when you don’t feel guilty to stop working to take a break, balance is when you wake up in the morning not worried or anxious to start your day.”
“Balance is taking time to educate yourself, caring for the environment, staying physically and spiritually active.”
“التوازن لا يعني أن تكون في وسط الأشياء, إنه يتعلق بالتحكم في حياتك”
“I choose to Challenge. I choose Balance”
“Balance means to me to align my ambitions and values with the reality of my everyday life. This applies to both my private and business life. I am a very ambitious business woman and a very hands on mother. In order to balance all of this and make sure everything is aligned and taken care of with the upmost care, a realistic balance between all is key. This is something I have learned over time.”
“النجاح تحدي ولكن استدامة النجاح هو التحدي الأكبر, والذي يتحقق خلال التوازن بين التأمل والتفكر والعصف الذهني والتدبر من ناحية وبين الاجتهاد تجاه التنفيذ والجودة والإدارة ومباشرة الأعمال من التاحية الأخري, فالأولي ترشدنا تجاه الرؤية والثانية تحقق الرسالة, فما أجمل من التوازن بين بناء المستقبل وإتقان الحاضر
“They say it takes two to tango. It is mainly about the balance , balance of the body and balance of the brain and the look and the perfection made by a male and a female.”
“Balance is creating success stories across the many areas of your life. You can’t truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.”
“Balance is pursuing wholeness and Essence while the world still looks for appearance. It means being cross-culturally aware, and embrace Diversity as the most beautiful inner strength’s trait.”
“Hanane shared in a very interactive manner how to identify the imposter syndrome and how to overcome it”
“I recently had the opportunity to participate in the training session on “The Impacts of Imposter Syndrome,” and I must say it was an enlightening experience. The session provided a deep understanding of the phenomenon known as Imposter Syndrome and its significant effects on individuals’ personal and professional lives”. The session provided a deep understanding of the phenomenon known as Imposter Syndrome and its significant effects on individuals’ personal and professional lives”
“I have enjoyed the session given by Hanane on “Imposter Syndrome”; I personally learned new things and had more understanding about the things that can hold us back in the work place and how to deal with them in an scientific manner. Hanane as a speaker is fantastic, the way she engages people and smoothness of the sessions is remarkable, Thanks Hanane!”