Being balanced is a place where you’ll be in a state of contentment regardless of the curveball life throws at you.

Do you know why we’re constantly over the edge, feeling like there’s nothing good about the world, tired or depressed? It’s because we live in a misbalanced world. One where there’s no harmony and people refuse to get along. In fact, some people thrive on this imbalance. However, if we want to put an end to that and opt for a more peaceful life, it’s crucial that we promote a balanced world today.

We have to bring about a balance in this world by focusing on ourselves, our communities, our families, and just about everything that comes in our circle. That’s the only way we can hope to achieve harmony.

The concept of balance is not new. The concept of homeostasis, tawazoun, or balance is quite old. Balance has been known as The Golden Mean (Li) in China for centuries. It was sort of an ethical ideal teaching tolerance and finding a medium between extremes, such as hot and cold, wet and dry, and more.

Achieving balance is possible if you start trying to achieve a balanced self.

Being balanced is a place where you’ll be in a state of contentment regardless of the curveball life throws at you. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that easy to master, but with a little patience, it is attainable. The best part is that you’ll feel powerful once you have mastered it.

Every person has their own recipe for being balanced. Living a balanced life means you balance your career, family, physical and mental health, spirituality, relationships and don’t sacrifice one aspect of your life over other. A balanced self leads to high self-esteem, harmony, happiness, and satisfaction. It also teaches you that being balanced means you care for yourself and the people around you.

M.Joseph Sirgy and Dong Jin-Lee studied the relation between life balance and satisfaction. People who think they are leading a balanced life seem to be more satisfied than others. To achieve balance and thus satisfaction, you need to shed off all the negativity in your life and in your mind. This will help you look at every opportunity and situation from a different angle.

The importance of balance applies to both your personal and professional life. If you’re a boss or a manager, you the power to create a balanced workplace. One in which your employees feel comfortable. Balance can be achieved when the needs of the employees are taken accounted. Some of the basic ways to achieve workplace balance are as follows:

  • Providing balanced workspaces
  • Helping balance personal and professional lives
  • Offering balanced time slots/ remote working
  • Offering balanced locations, e.g., giving chance to work from a nearby regional office/branch
  • Working on balanced communities and activities

Balanced workplaces are one of the best ways to create a balance in society. Everyone should have a fair chance for promotion, benefits, healthcare, flexible hours, and so on. As an employee, consider other employees as your teammates and your organization’s success as an ultimate goal instead of competing, this is what’s needed to achieve workplace balance.

Balance crosses over into the environment around us too. If you want to attain a balanced planet, it’s time to take things to the next level and talk about building balanced societies. Balanced societies originate from balanced decisions, balanced democracies, and balanced opportunities. Your decision to vote, choose your next government, your access to the opportunities on the basis of merit – everything counts as a step towards a balanced society.

Far too often, most of us are so caught up in our lives that we have absolutely no idea what’s happening around us—as a result, we constantly live in a state of disequilibrium that has a spillover effect. Some people think it is government’s responsibility to create a balanced society, some think it is the influential business sector or business tycoons who should have a social responsibility, but if you think about it – balanced societies are built if every single person, organization, politician, institution, and government thrive for it.

From a balanced self to a balanced planet, we can achieve every milestone if we start weighing our choices and decisions. The survival of our coming generations depends on how we treat our planet.

Putting it in the words of Chief Seattle: “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”

Every individual, organization, political party, the country is striving to go ahead of others. This individualism is leading to non-balanced societies and a threatened world. We have to balance our planet ecologically, politically, socially, even economically to prolong our life. For a balanced planet, instead of using resources, exploring reserves and sustainability should be our priority. It is a matter of achieving the state of equilibrium and ultimately the survival of humankind.